2019-2020 Notice of Registration(for 2019 HKDSE candidates)

Bad Weather Arrangement


Black Warning Signal Rainstorm and Typhoon Signal No. 8:


If either of the warning is hoisted or in force at or after 7:30a.m.

Admission Centers will be Closed

If either of the warning is hoisted or in force at or after 12:00 noon.

Black rainstorm warning:

Typhoon No.8:

Admission Centers will be Opened

Admission Centers will be Closed

If either of the warnings is issued or in force at or after 4:30 p m.

Black rainstorm warning:

Typhoon No.8:

Admission Centers will be Opened

Admission Centers will be Closed

* Applicants should stay in a safe place and decide whether it is appropriate to proceed for registration

# All admission centers will be opened after two hours the signal is removed.