Financial Assistance



Financial Assistance


Only for Full-time Bachelor Degree Programmes

Students who are eligible for the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS) will be provided with an annual subsidy up to HK34,390 in the 2024/25 academic year. Eligible students enrolling in the relevant programmes only need to pay the tuition fee net of subsidy.

 For details, please visit:


For Full-time Bachelor Degree / Higher Diploma Programmes

FASP provides means-tested financial assistance to needy full-time students pursuing locally accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to needy students so that no eligible students will be denied access to post-secondary education because of lack of means. 

  • Tuition fees (TF) grant Maximum level of assistance HK$93,130.
  • Academic expenses (AE) grant Maximum level of assistance HK$9,010.
  • Living expenses (LE) loan Maximum level of assistance HK$58,890 (Interest at a rate of 1% per annum shall be charged on the load borrowed form the commencement  date of the loan Repayment Period).
  • Additional academic expenses grant for the students with special educational needs, Maximum level of assistance HK$9,850.

For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:

The NLSPS is used to complement the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) to provide loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of locally accredited, self-financing full-time post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree.

Administrative fee will be charged for each application, and administrative fee for the NLSPS is HK$216.

Points to Note:

  • Applicants who have already paid the administrative fee during the application process are NOT required to pay the fee again upon submission of loan documents.
  • Payment by cheque, online transfer or PPS is NOT acceptable.

For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:


Apply for the NLSPS only:

The Maximum Level of Loan Amount is capped at the tuition fees payable.
Apply for both FASP and the NLSPS:
The Maximum Level of Loan Amount is “actual tuition fees payable” plus “the maximum amounts of assistance for academic expenses and living expenses under the FASP” less “The amount of financial assistance receivable under the FASP’’, capped at the tuition fees payable.

For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:


For Part-time Bachelor Degree / Higher Diploma Programmes

The Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) provides loans to eligible students to settle tuition fees of specific post-secondary/continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong.


For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:


For Diploma of Applied Education (DAE) / Diploma Yi Jin (DYJ)

DAE / DYJ tuition fee reimbursement provides students with financial assistance in the form of tuition fee reimbursement.
All eligible Full-time / Part-time students will receive reimbursement of 30% of the tuition fee of each satisfactorily completed subject (i.e. attaining an overall “pass” and achieving an 80% attendance for the subject). Students passing the means test and obtaining an Eligibility Certificate (EC) can apply for "FULL" (100%) or "HALF" (50%) tuition fee reimbursement. Students are required to submit the completed EC to the student’s institution for verification of his/her enrolment information.

The tuition fee reimbursement is subject based. Students who cannot complete individual subjects satisfactorily are still eligible for reimbursement of the tuition fee for the other subjects which they have satisfactorily completed.

If a student studies both the Diploma of Applied Education (DAE) programme and Diploma Yi Jin (DYJ) programme, he / she can only receive tuition fee reimbursement for a maximum of 8 courses under the DAE/DYJ programme in total.

If a student has been reimbursed the tuition fee of a DYJ course, he/she cannot apply for tuition fee reimbursement for the same course under the DAE programme. For example, if a student has been reimbursed the tuition fee of the Chinese subject of the DYJ programme, he/she cannot apply for tuition fee reimbursement for the Chinese subject under the DAE programme.


For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website

The Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) provides loans to eligible students to settle tuition fees of specific post-secondary/continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong.


For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:

Apart from tuition fee reimbursement, full-time DAE students will be disbursed with Student Travel Subsidy, Subsidy for Internet Access Charges (the subsidy is granted on a household basis) and the flat-rate academic expense grant if the applicants fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria (including passing the means test). It is not required to apply for flat-rate academic expense grant separately. The amount of flat-rate academic expense grant is on par with the flat-rate grant receivable by primary and secondary students under the School Textbook Assistance Scheme.

For details, please refer to Guidance Notes: